//Teenager warned he could face prison after “Festive” sex text offences

Teenager warned he could face prison after “Festive” sex text offences

Mathew Mudge, 19, of Barkley Street appeared in Morley Crown Court on two charges relating to sexual misconduct against girls aged 14 and 16.

Mudge allegedly sent an image of his genitals decorated with mistletoe and holly

The first incident is said to have taken place on Saturday, December 24 at 23:34 last year. Mudge allegedly sent an image of his genitals decorated with mistletoe and holly to an unnamed girl, age 14.

The second took place on December 25 at 03:04 last year. Mudge sent several text messages via Whatsapp, a social messaging application to a second girl, age 16. It was also alleged that Mudge posted explicit messages to the public Facebook page of the girl. The messages were later deleted.

The case was adjourned until Monday, March 12, but Judge Peter Weir told Mudge: “These are very serious offences, especially given the that the victims are siblings and both are minors.

“I cannot say what the outcome will be but all options will be considered, including custody.”

Mudge’s barrister, Simon Reeves-Williams, requested an adjournment to prepare a psychological report on his client.

“My client has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and operates at a mental age well below 18,” said Mr Reeves-Williams. “For the court to make a fair judgement his background and psychological mindset at the time of the incident must be made clear.”

Mudge was granted bail on condition that he makes no contact with anyone under the age of 16, without the supervision of their guardians, and has no social-media interaction with anyone under 18.